Imprinting Articles : 2016
Below are selected articles on genomic imprinting organized by year. Select a year by clicking its tab. Hover over each article's title to view its abstract, and click the title to view its full PubMed record. Corresponding authors follow the author list, and fulltext PDFs are available for some articles and reviews.
Monoallelic Gene Expression in Mammals
Chess A
Annu Rev Genet 50:317-327 (2016)
Diet-Microbiota Interactions Mediate Global Epigenetic Programming in Multiple Host Tissues
Krautkramer KA, Kreznar JH, Romano KA, Vivas EI, Barrett-Wilt GA, Rabaglia ME, Keller MP, Attie AD, Rey FE, Denu JM
Mol Cell 64:982-992 (2016)
Epigenomic engineering for Down syndrome
Mentis AF
Neurosci Biobehav Rev 71:323-327 (2016)
Humanized H19/Igf2 locus reveals diverged imprinting mechanism between mouse and human and reflects Silver-Russell syndrome phenotypes
Hur SK, Freschi A, Ideraabdullah F, Thorvaldsen JL, Luense LJ, Weller AH, Berger SL, Cerrato F, Riccio A, Bartolomei MS
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 113:10938-43 (2016)
Epigenomics meets splicing through the TETs and CTCF
Marina RJ, Oberdoerffer S
Cell Cycle 15:1397-9 (2016)
Loss of insulin-like growth factor II imprinting is a hallmark associated with enhanced chemo/radiotherapy resistance in cancer stem cells
Zhao X, Liu X, Wang G, Wen X, Zhang X, Hoffman AR, Li W, Hu JF, Cui J
Oncotarget (Jun 2016)
Gliomas Genomics and Epigenomics: Arriving at the Start and Knowing It for the First Time
Filbin MG, Suva ML
Annu Rev Pathol 11:497-521 (2016)
Genetic sources of population epigenomic variation
Taudt A, Colome-Tatche M, Johannes F
Nat Rev Genet 17:319-32 (2016)
Brain Radiation Information Data Exchange (BRIDE): integration of experimental data from low-dose ionising radiation research for pathway discovery
Karapiperis C, Kempf SJ, Quintens R, Azimzadeh O, Vidal VL, Pazzaglia S, Bazyka D, Mastroberardino PG, Scouras ZG, Tapio S, Benotmane MA, Ouzounis CA
BMC Bioinformatics 17:212 (2016)
Visualizing allele-specific expression in single cells reveals epigenetic mosaicism in an H19 loss-of-imprinting mutant
Ginart P, Kalish JM, Jiang CL, Yu AC, Bartolomei MS, Raj A
Genes Dev 30:567-78 (2016)