Imprinting Articles : 1998
Below are selected articles on genomic imprinting organized by year. Select a year by clicking its tab. Hover over each article's title to view its abstract, and click the title to view its full PubMed record. Corresponding authors follow the author list, and fulltext PDFs are available for some articles and reviews.
Genomic imprinting is disrupted in interspecific Peromyscus hybrids
Vrana PB, Guan XJ, Ingram RS, Tilghman SM [SM Tilghman]
Nat Genet 20:362-5 (1998)
Review: A catalogue of imprinted genes and parent-of-origin effects in humans and animals
Morison IM, Reeve AE [I Morison]
Hum Mol Genet 7:1599-609 (1998)
Abnormal maternal behaviour and growth retardation associated with loss of the imprinted gene Mest
Lefebvre L, Viville S, Barton SC, Ishino F, Keverne EB, Surani MA [MA Surani]
Nat Genet 20:163-9 (1998)
Review: Sex and conflict
Partridge L, Hurst LD [LD Hurst]
Science 281:2003-8 (1998)
Imprinted M6p/Igf2 receptor is mutated in rat liver tumors
Mills JJ, Falls JG, De Souza AT, Jirtle RL
Oncogene 16:2797-802 (1998)
Maternal control of embryogenesis by MEDEA, a polycomb group gene in Arabidopsis
Grossniklaus U, Vielle-Calzada JP, Hoeppner MA, Gagliano WB [U Grossniklaus]
Science 280:446-50 (1998)